22 November
the point is - your emotions are habits. and you can retrain them with practise.
"why you don't feel good enough"
that's the topic which was discussed by one very interesting guy from "charisma on command" channel. since watching it, I want to be able to make a conclusion regarding it.
so, the thing is that one of my closest friend, who is male (why do I highlight it? because it will be necessary during my monologue), lost a friend. he lost it in the very sudden way. his friend was absolutely healthy and didn't have any mental problems when one day he was poisoned by the food. don't caring that much, simple sickness, he went to the hospital where doctors gave him some injections and told that everything is okay, he luckely can go home. next morning he didn't wake up. he died. nobody was expecting that, nobody. when my closest friend, say his name is Andrew heard about death (say, Jack) he was in such a big shock and such stressed and crashed inside, that he lost himself for a while. the important part of all of it was that the Andrew had to keep going to work and doing business, just all of this staff which is necessary for surviving on this planet. and what I want to say, that when I met Andrew and knew about Jack's death I heard one of the honest and sincere words in my life: "we have to appreciate what we have. today person exists, and bam! tomorrow he doesn't. life is so short. dear, appreciate what you have". it is also important to mention that male people in majority of situations can handle emotional things easier, they're mentally stronger. and as I knew Andrew always was a strong man inside. and when I heard these words, I remembered it very clearly, because I clearly remember every moment or words which were done in extremely sincere way.
coclusion: we live only once. be happy to small things.